News and Announcements 83 topics

News and Announcements
Category News 83 topics News
New forum category
by Simomax
6 months 1 week ago

Introductions and FAQ 308 topics

Introductions and FAQ
Introduce yourself
Re: Intro and where to start
by GetSirius
1 month 1 week ago

Howtos and FAQs 20 topics

Howtos and FAQs

Alerts, Detections and Station Updates 118 topics

Alerts, Detections and Station Updates

Station Updates 65 topics

Re: Raspberry Pi stability
by jnissen
5 days 19 hours ago

Alerts 21 topics

Station detections

Geiger counter discussions 144 topics

Geiger counter discussions
Kit geiger counters
Re: ESPGeiger HW
by steadramon
1 year 1 week ago
Commericial geiger counters
Vintage Geiger Counters
Geiger-Muller tubes
Homebrew counters, electronic design and building
Discuss sources of certain isotopes, samples and components or devices that contain radioactive materials

Software discussions 199 topics

Software discussions

RadLog 61 topics

Re: Edit Long Term Trend?
by Simomax
1 week 1 hour ago 90 topics
Re: Map Key
by FSM19
2 months 2 weeks ago

Arduino Code 18 topics

Software for Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 etc.
Re: ESPGeiger
by steadramon
5 months 1 week ago

pyradmon 19 topics

Re: Python3 support for Pyradmon
by jnissen
3 days 22 hours ago

Other software 11 topics

Other software
Radiation Alert Monitor 200: P ...
by jigpu
11 months 3 weeks ago

Experiments and Projects 21 topics

Experiments and Projects

Experiments 11 topics


Projects 10 topics

Re: New weather station build
by Simomax
4 months 4 weeks ago

General chat 206 topics

General chat
General discussion
For discussion of news and events happening around the world right now
Nuclear accidents and disasters

Preparation 9 topics

Prepping, emergency plans, shelters etc
Re: Iodine pills
by Gamma-Man
4 years 5 months ago

Off topic forum 11 topics

Off topic forum

Testing 7 topics


Test forum 7 topics

Test forum
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