Map key: Normal Warning Alert Experiment mode Dormant is a free worldwide radiation monitoring website. It is a place for experimenters, enthusiats and background radiation monitoring.
You can submit background radiation readings from a wide range of geiger counters, home built, kit built or some commercial counters. You can submit readings from a dedicated Windows application, 3rd party Windows application, Linux BASH, RPi (python - pyradmon) and Arduino/ESP, or your very own system/code. supports a comprehensive API to try and bring on board as many devices as possible. Check out the 'Software' page for everythhing that is so far compatible. You can use the data from to display graphs and current reading indicators on your own website. You can submit to and put your station on the live map with your own live radiation readings. supports an alert system whereby you will receive an alert email if your counter goes over a set threshold, or you can turn alerts off and go into experimental mode for some testing and experimentation - the readings are still all recorded in either mode.
Designed with background radiation monitoring as it's core principle, Radlog goes hand-in-hand with and can be used to generate local graphs to use on your own website. You can see an example of this here and gives you an idea of what can be done with Radlog and RadLog has many useful features, data sharing to other users, FTP and email functions. You don't have to use Radlog though, and can submit with many different devices and use the data from yourself. The forum contains a wealth of information for all things radiation related as well as a great bunch of people that contribute to the project in all sorts of ways. If you have questions, the forum is the place to go.