PyRadmon install and set up on Raspberry Pi (Wheezy Raspbian)

9 years 6 months ago #798 by ThibmoRozier

Seems we are fighting a data type issue. Perhaps if the data were considered binary can Python handle that? Bitwise logical operations are easy in assembly and C but seems this is difficult in Python. I must tell you I have little to no Python experience so I do appreciate the assistance.
Reading configuration:

        User name configured

        Password configured

        Serial port name configured

        Serial port speed configured

        Protocol configured

        Device number configured

        Protocol configured

Using GMC protocol for 1 => geiger 1

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Gathering data started => geiger 1

Initializing GMC protocol communication => geiger 1

Found GMC-compatible device, version => geiger 1:  GMC-300Re 2.36

Please note data will be acquired once per 5 seconds => geiger 1

Unit shows time as => geiger 1:

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Problem in getData procedure (disconnected USB device?) => geiger 1:
        hex() argument can't be converted to hex

Waiting and reap threads

I made a veeeeeeeery basic self-tester.
Now I finally got an answer for you. :)


import sys
import time

response = 0x01, 62

if len(response)==2:
    # convert bytes to 16 bit int
    msb = (response[0] & 0x3F)
    lsb = (response[1] & 0xFF)
    cpm = int((msb << 8) | lsb)
    print(msb, lsb, cpm)

Now that makes it easier for me to fix the code. :)
This gives me an output like :
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
(1, 62, 318)

Then I apply this to the whole code and...

For as far as I can think of, this will be the code. :)
class gmc(baseGeigerCommunication):

    def initCommunication(self):
        print "Initializing GMC protocol communication => geiger 1\r\n"
        # get firmware version
        # assume that device responds within 1s
        while (self.serialPort.inWaiting()>0 and self.stopwork==0):
            response = response +
        # response=self.sendCommand("< GETVER >>")

        if len(response)>0:
            print "Found GMC-compatible device, version => geiger 1: ", response, "\r\n"
            # get serial number
            # serialnum=self.sendCommand("<GETSERIAL>>")
            #'!1H', serialnum(7))[0]
            # print "Device Serial Number is: ",
            # disable heartbeat, we will request data from script
            # self.sendCommand("< HEARTBEAT0 >>")
            print "Please note data will be acquired once per 5 seconds => geiger 1\r\n"
            # update the device time
            # assume that device responds within 1s
            while (self.serialPort.inWaiting()>0 and self.stopwork==0):
                unitTime = unitTime +
            # unitTime=self.sendCommand("< GETDATETIME >>")
            time.sleep(0.5)# just to ensure all CPM bytes are in serial port buffer
            print "Unit shows time as => geiger 1: ", unitTime, "\r\n"
            # self.sendCommand("<SETDATETIME[" + time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") + "]>>")
            # print "<SETDATETIME[" + time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") + "]>>"

            print "No response from device => geiger 1\r\n"

    def getData(self):
            # wait, we want sample every 30s
            for i in range(0,3):

            # send request
            # assume that device responds within 1s
            while (self.serialPort.inWaiting()>0 and self.stopwork==0):
                response = response +
            # response=self.sendCommand("< GETCPM >>")
            # wait for data
            time.sleep(0.5) # just to ensure all CPM bytes are in serial port buffer

            if len(response)==2:
                # convert bytes to 16 bit int
                msb = (response[0] & 0x3F)
                lsb = (response[1] & 0xFF)
                cpm = int((msb << 8) | lsb)
            elif len(response) > 2:
                for i in range(1,len(response)):
                    edata = edata + ord(response[0])*256+ord(response[i])
                cpm = int( ( float(edata) / ( len(response) - 1 ) ) +0.5)
                for i in range(1,len(response)):
                    edata = edata + ord(response[0])*256+ord(response[i])
                print "Unknown response to CPM request, device is not GMC-compatible? => geiger 1\r\n"
                print "Data recieved was: ",str(edata),"\r\n"

        except Exception as e:
            print "\r\nProblem in getData procedure (disconnected USB device?) => geiger 1:\r\n\t",str(e),"\r\nExiting\r\n"
        data=[cpm, utcTime]
        return data

What did we learn from this:
Frameworks are to make your work easier, just keep it simple!

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #799 by jnissen
Ha ha! I will let you know how it works tonight. Need to get home and try it out.

Update... Not sure If I have something wrong but still see this error. I can send you my detector and BBB if that helps.
Reading configuration:

        User name configured

        Password configured

        Serial port name configured

        Serial port speed configured

        Protocol configured

        Device number configured

        Protocol configured

Using GMC protocol for 1 => geiger 1

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Gathering data started => geiger 1

Initializing GMC protocol communication => geiger 1

Found GMC-compatible device, version => geiger 1:  GMC-300Re 2.36

Please note data will be acquired once per 5 seconds => geiger 1

Unit shows time as => geiger 1:

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Problem in getData procedure (disconnected USB device?) => geiger 1:
        unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'str' and 'int'

Waiting and reap threads
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by jnissen.

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9 years 6 months ago #800 by ThibmoRozier

Ha ha! I will let you know how it works tonight. Need to get home and try it out.

Update... Not sure If I have something wrong but still see this error. I can send you my detector and BBB if that helps.
Reading configuration:

        User name configured

        Password configured

        Serial port name configured

        Serial port speed configured

        Protocol configured

        Device number configured

        Protocol configured

Using GMC protocol for 1 => geiger 1

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Gathering data started => geiger 1

Initializing GMC protocol communication => geiger 1

Found GMC-compatible device, version => geiger 1:  GMC-300Re 2.36

Please note data will be acquired once per 5 seconds => geiger 1

Unit shows time as => geiger 1:

No samples in queue, waiting 5 seconds => geiger 1

Problem in getData procedure (disconnected USB device?) => geiger 1:
        unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'str' and 'int'

Waiting and reap threads

Maybe it'd be better to set-up a teamviewer session on a scheduled moment.
I am available in about 3 hours, and then for about 8 hour long.
Would be rather easy to fix these issues then.

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9 years 6 months ago #802 by jnissen
Can not do anything at the moment. Family stuff tonight. I may have time later this week. In the mean time I am going to see if I can get the BBB to talk over WiFi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ThibmoRozier

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9 years 6 months ago #813 by Juzzie
put that gmc in the recycling bin!!! aarrr!

Owner and operator of "southofhobart" monitoring stations.

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9 years 6 months ago #815 by ThibmoRozier

Can not do anything at the moment. Family stuff tonight. I may have time later this week. In the mean time I am going to see if I can get the BBB to talk over WiFi.

Maybe on Saturday?
Could do for me.

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