Geiger moved outside to it's final location

10 years 3 months ago #20 by WA0RTU
Dan and all,

I have moved my counter, Geiger and tube, outside. It's a GK-Plus with a
sbm-20 tube using BroHogan's GKNet board to remote connect to the board
mounted on the outer wall of the house. This will be it's permanent


Be safe all.


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10 years 3 months ago #26 by mw0uzo

Dan and all,

I have moved my counter, Geiger and tube, outside. It's a GK-Plus with a
sbm-20 tube using BroHogan's GKNet board to remote connect to the board
mounted on the outer wall of the house. This will be it's permanent


Be safe all.


Great to have another outdoor detector! This sounds worthy of a News article. Can you try making one with a picture of the detector? It would also be a good test of the system to see if there is anything in the way of people writing decent articles.

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10 years 3 months ago #27 by WA0RTU
I will do that Dan. Soon as I can get a pix of the outside box minus the gnats! They have been bad this year. :angry:


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10 years 3 months ago #29 by Frank
Hey Tom, yup, great to see another outdoor sensor, I had mine mounted on the side of the house for some time now in one of them radiation shield enclosures for temp/hum sensors. Been working great for almost a year now. Back around the end of August, I took it off the side of the house and mounted on a post, a few feet way from the house and my normal readings went up as can be seen in my charts looking back in time. :)

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10 years 3 months ago #31 by WA0RTU
Hi Frank.
How are you connecting to your tube/geiger? Mine is feed with a 30 ft run of Cat5 shielded cable. Shielded mainly because I have lost many a networked toy to lightning.
The run that I did was a bit of a pain, but the best I could do. Just wanted to get it out of the basement area. See my readings are a bit lower now that it is outside.

B.T.W. hope this discussion is in the right forum area. ;)

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10 years 3 months ago #37 by Frank
Good question on location, if I had a little more control, I would perhaps move it to the one of the other listed topics. But for now, I have a GMC-200 unit, it uses an audio line output so I bought an 20 foot stereo extension cord for the audio input to the adapter and on the power supply wallwart, I cut the line and spliced in a longer piece for the power to the unit. My shack is just inside and in the basement from where its mounted on the pole. I too will take some pictures of it as well...

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