Issue with Pyradmon and RH electronics IDE kit

5 years 1 month ago #4876 by docsquee
Hi all.

My kit has been working fine over the last few months; I spotted that my counter was reporting 0 CPM recently. I restarted everything and seemed to begin working again for a short while. Now it's back to reporting 0 CPM.

I've checked all the wiring for continuity and created a new config file with all the correct settings (as before, protocol set to mygeiger and a baud of 9600).

The tube is working and detecting hits (the speaker on the IDE board is clicking away at a normal rate).

I've also tried a fresh copy of pyradmon. Unluckily nothing I've done so far has made a difference.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

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5 years 1 month ago #4877 by mw0uzo
Are any errors shown in the terminal? is running off an old PC at the moment, the big server is powered down for maintenance and operations are going to move onto a RPi4 for a solar power test. Servicing CPM store requests are likely a lot laggier than usual. Any timeouts?

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5 years 1 month ago #4878 by docsquee
Sorry, I should have explained more clearly. This is all client side. I'm watching pyradmon running in terminal going through its normal paces but it always reads 0 CPM (before uploading), takes a few readings, averages and uploads the data.

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4947 by docsquee
Still stuck, can anyone help?

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5 years 2 weeks ago #4948 by mw0uzo
Yeah, rereading your posts pyradmon works correctly but always reports 0CPM?

Or pyradmon appears to work on screen, but then sends 0 CPM to radmon?

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5 years 2 weeks ago - 5 years 2 weeks ago #4949 by mw0uzo
Set your counter going and pyradmon, and I will check what is arriving here.

Is this audio detection method? I have been struggling with audio detection on the RPi, pyradmon-reborn needs to be modified.
Last edit: 5 years 2 weeks ago by mw0uzo.

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