Something happened on 2023-07-22 and several stations stopped submitting. Why?

  • Simomax
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1 year 5 months ago #6571 by Simomax
Hello all,

Something happened on 2023-07-22 and several stations stopped submitting. I have no idea why, and would like to know, why? It is strange for a whole bunch of stations to stop submitting at once. Stations do come and go but for a bunch to stop at the same time suggests something happened at the end. I have looked back at some changes to code and the only thing I introduced around that time was the control panel and removal of the user fields. None of this code is connected to submission at all, very much far from. So I am struggling to work out what has happened. As it stands, there are 11 stations that stopped submitting since the 22nd July, and all within 40 seconds of each other. There must have been some event that caused this and I would love to find out why, so I can stop it happening again in the future.

My spidey sense tells me this is a network thing, or some connection issue, or something where the stations have tried to connect, something has gone wrong and left them unable to submit, or have crashed, or something..... Something. But looking back, radmon had been running for over 100 days before it had a wobble on 18th August, nearly a month on from the stations disappearing so that makes me doubt network/server issues. The thing that really sticks out to me is Radslug's station stopped submitting too. Radslug has (AFAIK) always been a very reliable station and has been here longer than I. There are other stations that have been reliable: G4LVI, fusebit, and others. A list of the stations is below. If any of you that are on that list see this, could you please see if you diagnose your station end, see what is happening? What are you using to submit to radmon? Radlog, arduino? I'm really curious to find out what has gone on, and to try and stop it happening in the future.

This is the list of stations that haven't submitted since 22nd July.
Pump­kinEater  in Rat­in­gen, NRW, Ger­many. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:14:10.
G4LVI  in Manchester, Europe, UK. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:59.
fuse­bit  in Ham­burg, Ham­burg, Ger­many. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:54.
mega­zaic  in Ka­lin­in­grad, Ka­lin­in­grad­skaya ob­last, Rus­sia. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:52.
fp­f2000  in Er­furt, Thüringen, Deutsch­land. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:51.
jasonx  in Aalen, Baden-Württem­berg, Ger­many. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:48.
estec  in Noord­wijk, ZH, The Neth­er­lands. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:46.
LJ  in Craw­ley, West Sus­sex, UK. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:45.
g346342  in 32a, Skopje, Skopje, North Mace­do­nia. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:42.
ha7jvv  in Jaszber­eny, - - not re­quired - -, Hun­gary. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:34.
Rad­slug  in Novato, Cali­for­nia, USA. Last seen: 2023-07-22 17:13:29.

Thanks in advance,


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1 year 5 months ago #6579 by Radslug
Radslug is still running and the logs on my end indicate the script is running on schedule.
It may be nothing but I notice that when I go to,
it shows my coordinates as 0,0

I'll check in for a while in case there's anything you want me to do or check on this end?

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1 year 5 months ago #6580 by Simomax
Thanks for your reply Radslug. I have had a look at your user account and station settings and it seems that some of your settings have been removed. I have looked back and this coincides with me pushing the new control panel live, and I think more the case, when I depreciated the user forms. Something has gone awry around that time but only seemed to affect 11 users, you being one. It's a strange one as the info from the user forms was pushed to the database every submission, so I am really at a loss as to why, and why only 11 users? I don't think this will happen again since depreciating the old user forms.

Can you please go to the control panel and fill in the details - password, coords etc. and please do this without changing anything on your counter at your end. It should come back without issue. The same goes for the other 10 users, if they see this.


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1 year 5 months ago #6584 by Radslug
I'm so sorry - what control panel, please? It's been...well, many years since I set up my counter. I found my user profile here on, but I also recall there being a set of information fields on the windows software from when I first set up my account? I rarely use Windows any more but can of course do a quick install and submit the settings if needed.

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1 year 5 months ago #6585 by Simomax
No need to apologize. The link for the control panel is at the top right in the navigation above, right next to 'log out'. Click that and it will bring up the control panel for your station. Please fill in the blanks there (password etc.) and hit submit. I think that should sort things and get your station back on radmon. You shouldn't need to do anything with windows/radlog if you can remember what your station password was. Just simply update on the control panel and I think you should be good.

The new control panel replaces the fields in your user profile. I think your issue (and the other stations) may have occurred when I implemented the control panel and dropped the old user fields. I'm still at a loss as to why though. 
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1 year 5 months ago #6588 by Radslug

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