Air filter to catch radioactive particles - suggestions please

8 years 10 months ago #1496 by mw0uzo
Keep us up to date with the measurements :) They are very interesting and are worth much more comment than you have got so far. I'd like to see any attempted explanation of what has been described. I really think the next step is to get one of your filters in for gamma spectroscopy, somehow, somewhere... What's the cheapest and easiest way to start getting these sorts of measurements?

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8 years 10 months ago #1498 by Juzzie

Is there anyone else on the Forum regularly using an air purifier to check for increases or decreases in the amount of radiation within their living and/or working enviroment?

It would be great to compare the experience of others to my own. :)

as of 25/10, my station "southofhobart" has been using a homemade air filter with two SBM-20s .To get a comparison, today I have set up another GC, "southofhobart3" with two SBM-20s alongside.
Let's see what happens :)

Previously, I've used the same filter setup logging continuously for several months alongside an SI-180g and seen some remarkable detections, even on clear days, that went totally unnoticed on the SI-180g.
What's different when compared to your situation is the fact that my readings return to normal after a day or so. Probably radon progeny.

I'm wondering if your detections represent large ammounts of 7Be (half life ~53 days), from all the recent auroral activity? Bit of a long shot I admit.
I've taken rain swabs from large sheets of glass and measured up to 16uSv. After over a week the same swabs were still far from normal so I had them tested and it turned out that 7Be was the main culprit.

I would suggest having your filter analysed.


Owner and operator of "southofhobart" monitoring stations.

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8 years 10 months ago #1515 by bethsalem
Thanks to both of your for your helpful comments.

There is a lab near Barcelona which will analyse the filter but it's very expensive to do.

I don't think it's 7 Be because the radioactivity appears to drop pretty quickly back to normal.

Juzzie, I can always post my filters for you to analyse using your gamma-spectroscopy setup! :lol:

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8 years 10 months ago #1525 by Juzzie
"Juzzie, I can always post my filters for you to analyse using your gamma-spectroscopy setup!"
I don't have one :( but I know someone who does :cheer:
I will check with him if he will test your filter and pm you his email address if he agrees.

Owner and operator of "southofhobart" monitoring stations.

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8 years 6 months ago #1897 by bethsalem
The first significant rainfall for the last 3 months happened last night.

I tested the air purifier's two filters and overall they were a little above background, but on one corner of the inside of the pre-filter it was almost 4 times above background, averaged over 10 minutes.

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8 years 6 months ago #1900 by mw0uzo
Maybe turbulence in the pipes is concentrating it in one place?

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