Technical Help: About the SBT-10A tube with 1 mtr. long cable.

7 years 10 months ago #3152 by Electrodemente
Hi everybody!

Just I got my "new" (never used!) SBT-10 tube.

I would like to connect it by a cable (from 70 to 100 cms). I know...:silly:

I have some cables; 1 coaxial (0.15 nF and .1 ohms x meter) and shielded multi-paired (10 pairs with 0.1 nF between pairs and .1 ohms x meter)

Is necessary keep in mind the SBT-10 is a 10 tubes (10 anodes and common catode)

Option A: I can use the coaxial one (this means, I should put 1 x 10M resistor (may be 30M or 40M? ) on the junction once all cathodes are bridged)..

-- In that case; the total cable Capacitance would be 0.15 nf, but...I lose the independent internal tube reaction, isn´t?

Option B: I can use the 10 multi-paired.

-- I think is desirable to add to direct to each anode a 10M resistor and then a separate cable that connects with the power supply? It will be right? (capacitanceare too high in that case due to the parallel each pair capacitance?)
And if I use this cable, or I add an external pair extra...or I use the cable shield as "cathode to ground" (and :( ...In the last case I´ll increase the capacitance, or?)

I know all recommendations are "Use cable as short as possible, even a couple of centimetres long... but if there are a correct way,

I would like you to help me and read all your comments/experiences/ideas/recommendations. Please.

Thanks in advance.

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