I would like to introduce myself to those that don't know me here, and give an update to everyone about

I'm Simon, or Simomax (my username here.) Dan (mw0uzo) asked me to come and do some work with, which, as you can see from this post, I eagerly agreed to. I have a good skill set with plenty of experience and I am looking forward to working with Dan and giving some love it deserves. There are some new features we would like to implement, some bug fixes we would like to fix and some improvements to be made. Some of the things we have discussed are MQTT implementation, performance improvements and some bug fixes. If you have any ideas of things you would like to see within, then please head over to the forum and let us know your thoughts!

It is going to take some time for these things to be done, and hopefully a lot more on top of those I have already mentioned. Both Dan and myself have life commitments that vary the time we can allocate towards those goals. But, Rome wasn't built in a day, and there is plenty of time ahead. I am particularly interested in improving the performance of and it is one of the things I will be looking at. There is a massive load put on the server under certain operations and these could be optimized. In some cases it may be that parts of are completely re-written, but that is for another day.

As always, feel free to post in the forum. If you have questions, ask away.

I would also like to thank the 260+ stations for simply being here and choosing as a place to send their readings. And of course, thanks to all the forum members for being here also. It is all of you members and stations that makes Radmon what it is, for without you, it is just a server!


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